How to come up with blog ideas and start organizing your blog in Scrivener using my Scrivener blogging roadmap, Scrivener’s split screen and Scrivener’s corkboard feature.
** Download the FREE Scrivener Blogging Template and follow along
Do you want to organize, manage and write your blogposts in Scrivener but don’t know where to start? I have created a free Scrivener template where I have done most of the work for you. Now all you have to do is adjust it to suit your particular style of blogging.
Blogging can be pretty intensive, especially when you are trying to stick to a regular content calendar or an upload schedule. Finding good ideas is one thing, but tracking and managing all those topics and ideas right through to publication is another.
Having a good roadmap helps you to work throughout the entire process more efficiently. Download the Scrivener Blogging template and follow along as I show you how to:
✓ Set up your Blog in Scrivener
✓ Research Blog Ideas,
✓ Follow my Scrivener blogging roadmap using Scrivener’s corkboard feature
✓ Bookmark your blog images using Scrivener’s Bookmarks tab so they are close at hand when you are ready publish
✓ Manage your Guest blogging in Scrivener.
This is part of a Scrivener Template Series including:
How To Import A Scrivener Template To Your Scrivener Project Templates Menu
Scrivener Document Templates For Characters, Places, Hero’s Journey, Save the Cat & Snowflake Method
Finding Book Ideas And Choosing The Best Categories For Them | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template.
Organize, Manage And Write Your Vlog Posts In Scrivener | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template
Organize And Manage Your Social Media Posts In Scrivener | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template
Organize And Manage Your Website In Scrivener | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template
Managing Your Emails And Correspondence In Scrivener | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template
Easy And Effective Copywriting Using A Roadmap | A Scrivener Tutorial And Template
Create And Export A Series In One Project In Scrivener | A Template And Tutorial
Keeping Track Of Your Low Content Books In Scrivener | A Scrivener Template And Tutorial
Create Your Own Scrivener Templates And Share Them | A Scrivener Tutorial