Learn how to use Blogs in Blackboard in this video tutorial!
[Video Transcript]
Using Blogs in Blackboard
Blogs are a great way for students to share knowledge and ideas about a course’s material.
A link to your course’s blogs may be located on the left side of the screen.
Your instructor may have your course’s blogs in a different location, such as the course modules.
If you cannot locate your course’s blogs, contact your instructor for help.
There are three types of blogs: Course blogs, Individual blogs, and Group blogs.
In Course blogs, all users enrolled in the course can create blog entries and add comments to the entries of their peers.
In Individual blogs, only you, the owner of the blog, can create blog entries.
All other users enrolled in the course can view your entries and leave comments.
In Group blogs, only members of that group can create blog entries.
Non-group members can view and comment on entries.
Your instructor may assign you to a group, or you may be able to join them freely.
If you are a member of a group, you’ll be able to see the group on the left side of the Blackboard window.
Under the dropdown menu, you can see your group’s blog, discussion board, journal, wiki, and homepage.
To create a blog entry, select the blog you want to post and click ‘Create Blog Entry.’
Here, we have the ‘Title’ entry box, the ‘Message’ entry box, and options to attach files.
Let’s give our blog entry a title. We’ll name it ‘Multi-Factor Authentication.’
Next, we’ll type the main text of our blog entry in the ‘Message’ text box.
Let’s say our entry isn’t ready to publish yet.
Click the ‘Save Entry as Draft’ button to save the current blog entry to revisit later.
You’ll see the draft that you just saved.
Return to the main blog page. You’ll now have a ‘View Drafts’ option.
Here, you can access unfinished entries you have saved to publish later.
Click on the title of the blog entry to open it.
Let’s add some information we may have forgotten to include.
Once your blog entry is ready to publish, click ‘Post Entry.’
Your entry will appear in the blog, displayed in chronological order.
You can use the index on the right to navigate blog entries by month or by author.
Use the arrows to navigate between users in Course blogs and Individual blogs.
Blogs are a great way to share information, thoughts, and ideas with peers.
Hopefully, this video tutorial has taught you the basics of using Blogs in Blackboard.