Blogging Tutorial

Blogging Tutorial

In this video, I’ll explain about total Blogging platform. Hope, this video will assist a lot for beginner’s.

What is Blogging?
Blogging mean Content Publishing. Content can be, Video, Article and Bunch of Information. So, Blogging is, create content and publish these.

How to earn money from blogging?
Create content.
Publish content.
Then you can earn money by Shown advertising.

General Blogging:
You have to spend money to start General Blogging.

How Blogging Works?
You have to create a Blog/Website with Top Level Domain(TLD) e.g. : .com .net .info .edu .org etc.
You have to write some quality & unique articles for your Blog/Website
You have to do On-Page SEO and fulfill others requirements
You have to apply for Ads
Show Ads on your website or blog
Visitors will come to your blog/website and read the articles. As a result visitor will see your blog’s/website’s ads.
Advertiser will pay you for showing their Ads
You will Earn Money from your Blog/Website

Advertising or Ads Partners:
Google AdSense

Suggestions for Blogging:
If you want to build career as a blogger, you have to know: Article Writing, SEO, Social Media Marketing, AdWords Campaign and others Advertising Campaign.
You have to work for targeted High Quality visitors!
You can use any advertising service. But Google AdSense is the Boss and Best.
You can use others advertisement with Google AdSense.
Always you have to think, blogger is your career. So, you will be success!

Failure Reason of Blogging:
Lacking of enough blogging knowledge.
Laziness for work.
Always looking for Shortcut way!
Doing rush to get results!
Copy/Paste or Duplicate content publishing.
Quality less content creation!

In this video, you will get answers for question below:
How to blogging for business,
How to blogging for money,
Best blogging secrets,
Blogging setup,
Blogging success stories,
Blogging success tip,
Blogging success,
Best blogging tip,
Best blogging tips,
How to earn money from home,
How to make blog,
How to make money blogging,
How to Start a Blog,
How to start a successful blog,
How to start your own Blog,
How to make money blogging,
How to make money from home,
Online money making,
What is a blog,
What is blog,
Blogging Beginners Guide,
How to Start A Profitable Blog 2016,
How to make money from blogging,
How to make money with a blog,

If you want to learn more about freelancing and contact with me, you can follow my others social media profiles and pages:…

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